We measure your components contact-free by means of optical 3D scanning
Impetus has expanded its portfolio to include optical 3D measurement of components. This enables the quality of plastic components to be optimised and assured within the scope of development projects and toolmaking.
Impetus has expanded its portfolio to include optical 3D measurement of components in order to optimise and assure the quality of plastic components within the scope of development projects and toolmaking. With our new GOM ATOS Q measuring system, we can quickly scan and measure components, even with complex geometries, without contact and with high precision. The high resolution of the measuring system results in measurement results with high precision. Light and matt surfaces can be measured directly, dark, transparent or shiny components have to be pre-treated by spraying with titanium dioxide. Our services include: Creation of initial sample inspection reports (ISIR), Generation of false colour comparisons, Evaluation in combination with 3D CAD data and filling simulation. We compare the component scan with the target geometry or simulation and evaluate the results. In this way, not only can geometric dimensions be checked, but also shrinkage and warpage can be assessed tailored to the component’s requirements. At the same time, we support our customers in case of deviations from the target geometry by working out remedial measures. Our ATOS Q equipment: Transportable version, Multiple measuring fields, Turntable, Spraying unit, e.g. for the measurement of transparent components
Contact and further information on our GOM measurement services at:
Tel. +49 241 93831-10